Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Facebook Hacking Trick

Do you want to Hack your Girlfriend's or Someone Else's Facebook Id?Don't Worry Follow My Guidence As Below..

Hi friends,iam sajan Poudel. Today i'm going to explain about hacking facebook id in this post.
This method use for hacking is called phishing.For Hacking we need to made a phish page.So am gonna tell you that "how to create phish page?"
Steps for Creating Phishing or Fake web Page of facebook:

Step 1:

Go to the Press ctrl + u to view page source and save it in notepad. Namethe file as "index.html".Go to the next step.

Step 2:

Open the file in Notepad.

Step 3:

Search for the action =" " Replace it with: action="login.php" and search for method=" post " It will be just after the actioncode.Replace it with: method =" get " Save the file as login.php

Step 4:

Now you need a special codethat is used to steal the password,then save it and then redirect the victim so that he/she won't suspect anything.Just copy the code with spaces.Here is the code below:

Replace the "anysite" with any site that you want the user to go to after he/she has entered his/her password in the fake page. Save It as login.php

Step 5:

Go to free webhosting site ane make your free web website. These site are
note: that webhosting server must have php feature
.Now usethis tool to locate which server you account is on.Now login to your account and upload the two files (namely index.html and login.php).

Step 6:

Now use this powerful fake mailer and send an email to the victim giving him this message:
-'Dear user, your Facebook account needs to be transferred to a new server because the existing one is facing problems.To confirm that you got this email ,go to the link below to log in with your credentials and to confirm.If you don't do this then your account will be deleted in the next 24 hours. Thank you, The Facebook Team.'
Or send your phishing url to victim and say him to log in on your phish or fake log in page.
If victim has log in on your phish page a log.txt file will create with his login information. Refresh your server's file and open log.txt file there you'll see the victim's password.
Note: this is only for educational purpose. All In One and sajan Poudel aren't responsible for damage done by you!

source: All In One:The one and only,'The Best'

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