Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Special Quotes About Life

#Quotes About Life
*Read And Share...

1.Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

2.Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it.

3.Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

4.The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

5.Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

6.Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

7.A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.

8.Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

9.How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.

10.Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?

#Thanks For Reading!!!Keep Visiting All In One!!!

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