Monday, July 15, 2013

Steps To Remember What You Read!!!

Make Your Brain Sharp & Quick:)
-Here Are Some Steps To Remember What You Read:
-Easy Ways To Remember For Exams:
-How To Make Studying Interesting/Not A Boring:
-Exam Is Coming Studying Incomplete..Have To Remember Fast..Use My Guidance Below:


1.Find something interesting about what you’re learning.

Even if your subject of study is utterly boring, finding one or two details that you enjoy (or find slightly less dreary) will help your through your cram session.

2.Study at your “peak” time of day.

Some people work better in the morning, others at night. Find out which type you are by noting the time of day while paying attention to your level of energy and interest in studying.

3.Rest and relax.

  • Sleep helps consolidate memory. Study throughout the days leading up to an exam. Avoid cramming the night before.
  • Take breaks while studying. Go for a walk, eat a snack, or stretch to refresh your brain.

4.Eat healthy food.

Some studies say fruits and vegetables, especially orange and red colored foods, can boost energy and memory. You'll also feel more lively!

5.Use your visual memory

  • Graphs. Need to memorize some stats? Draw a pie chart to help you compare figures and remember the most significant numbers.
  • Pictures. Need to remember the fashion of the 1700s? Draw a picture to cement this information in your mind.
  • Labels. Need to learn the anatomy of cell? Draw a picture and label the parts.
  • Highlight, circle, underline, or star important details. Reading large chunks of information? Make the important parts stand out.

6.Create memory trees.

If you're trying to memorize a large number of facts, create a “tree” of facts. Construct big branches first, then little leaves. Branches should represent large categories; the smaller leaves should be facts that fall under those categories.

7.Associate what you're trying to learn with what you already know.

Connect the unfamiliar to things that are already familiar to you. Ex: Trying to memorize the Spanish word for fiesta (meaning ‘party’)? You can connect it to the English word “festive,” which means cheerful and celebratory—definite aspects of any good party!

8.Write out facts to be memorized over and over and over.

Making lists and categories will help you recall what certain information means to you, and why that information is important. Ex: if you have multiple names of bacteria that need memorizing, sort them in a list and giving each species name a quick definition. Mount this list on a wall for quick everyday access.

9.When reading information, summarize the main facts.

Read a chapter of a book and mark the big ideas and important details. This practice requires you to think about what you're reading, recycle it, and teach it to yourself again.

Keep Visiting All In One Thank You!!!

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